Cinderella receives a makeover with a clever retelling and contemporary take on the classic tale. The smart and determined Ella lives in the care of her wicked, self-absorbed stepmother Madame and Madames two daughters, Charlotte and Gabrielle. Ellas only friends in the world are the animals in the woods, crazy Marie and the revolutionary student Jean-Michel. Meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom, Prince Topher is trying to find himself and learn his place in the kingdom. When his scheming advisor Sebastian suggests throwing a ball so the Prince could meet potential brides, Ella and Tophers different worlds come together. The updated and bolder Cinderella paired with the timeless music of Rodgers and Hammerstein offers a production that is inspirational, empowering, hilarious, and romantic. Its the story you love with refreshing, new twists!
The Book of Will
The Cloverdale Playhouse (10/9 - 10/19) | ||
Master Class
Alabama Recital Hall at Shelton State (2/5 - 2/9) | ||
Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley
The Cloverdale Playhouse (12/11 - 12/21) | ||
Les Miserables
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex [Concert Hall] (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
You Can't Take It With You
Leeds Arts Council (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
The Farnsworth Invention
The Cloverdale Playhouse (2/20 - 3/2) | ||
The Mysterious Journey of Edward Tulane
The Cloverdale Playhouse (7/17 - 7/27) | ||
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