bkONE presents a captivating and innovative adaptation of Charles Dickens' timeless classic, "A Christmas Carol." Crafted by resident (D3C) playwright Stephen Gracia and directed by Anthony Marino, this unique rendition of the beloved holiday tale stars the exceptionally talented M. Rigney Ryan. In a remarkable one-actor performance, Ryan takes the audience on a transformative journey through the eyes of Ebenezer Scrooge, embodying not only the iconic miser himself but also portraying all the other characters that populate the iconic narrative. With a seamless blend of acting prowess and theatrical ingenuity, this adaptation offers a fresh and intimate perspective on the heartwarming story of redemption, bringing Dickens' characters to life in a truly remarkable and unforgettable way. brooklynONE productions' one-actor adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" promises a theatrical experience that is both innovative and emotionally resonant, making it a must-see production for audiences of all ages during the holiday season
bkONE: The Tom Kane Theatre is at 51 35th Street , Brooklyn, NY.
SubUrbia (5/3/24-5/11/24)
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An Evening of Opera
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