BUYER & CELLAR is a one-man comedy that follows Alex More, played by comedian Josh Wallenstein, a struggling actor working in LA, who is down on his luck after being recently fired from his job at Disneyland. He lands a job at the Malibu basement mall of Barbra Streisand. (The real-life Streisand constructed a series of "Main Street" storefronts beneath her Malibu barn inspired by the Winterthur Museum in Delaware in order to house her collection of dolls and other trinkets). More at first does not meet his employer, but eventually Streisand comes down to peruse her collection, and the two strike up a friendly relationship. The play chronicles the fictional exchanges between More and his idol, the source of both admiration and frustration on More's part. The entire play is narrated from More's point of view and is presented as a story told to his screenwriter boyfriend Barry.
OFC Creations Theatre (1/30 - 2/16) | ||
An Evening With Tituss Burgess
Universal Preservation Hall (1/31 - 1/31) | ||
Music Box Theatre (12/9 - 5/5) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Landmark Theatre (4/8 - 4/12) | ||
Little Women
Geva Theatre (2/25 - 3/23) | ||
Life of Pi
Proctor's Theatre (2/18 - 2/23) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Landmark Theatre (1/28 - 2/1) | ||
Shrek The Musical
The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck (1/4 - 1/26) | ||
One World: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins
Carnegie Hall (1/20 - 1/20) | ||
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