Xavier UniversityTheatre begins 2020 with its production of the offBroadway hit Heathers the Musical. Written byLaurence OKeefe and Kevin Murphy and based onthe 1989 cult classic movie starring Winona Ryderand Christian Slater, the show runs Jan. 31 throughFeb. 8 in Xaviers Gallagher Student Center Theatre.Veronica Sawyer is a brainy, beautiful misfit whohustles her way into the most powerful and ruthlessclique at Westerberg High School. But before she hastime to get comfortable atop the teenage food chain,Veronica falls in love with the dangerously sexy newkid, J.D. When the almighty Heather Chandler kicksher out of their group, Veronica decides to bite thebullet and kiss Heathers aerobicized ass ... until J.D.suggests a more sinister plan for that bullet. Heathersis a hilarious, heartfelt, and homicidal show based onone of the all-time great teen comedies.Stage Manager Emi Suarez believes the juxtapositionof the shows style and unconventional set design will provide a uniquely intimateexperience for audiences. Our production of Heathers is unusual, as we have chosen toperform this big musical using an arena stage, she said. As an audience member, itsimpossible to look away from Veronica Sawyer as she battles with her peers to findbeauty in her world.Senior Gigi Relic, who plays Heather Chandler, agrees. Seeing the musical in thissetting will be eye-opening, she said. I hope audiences leave inspired to speak up andbe kinder to one another.That intimacy is important, according to sophomore Connie Kavensky, who playsVeronica. Its a dark yet relatable show, she said, that has taught me how we are allcapable of being better to each other.The cast for Heathers includes first-year students Annalese Cahill, Anna Campise,Anthony Contreras, Faith Macko, Zac Martin, Lillian Reynolds, Liz Sundstrom, andJenna Treinen; sophomores Elliot Auch, Danielle Jacobs, Connie Kavensky, and RyanWhitford; juniors Matthew Benedek, Caroline Conard, Andrew Leonard, Julia Olinger,Amara Shroba, and Dylan Van Camp; and seniors Andy Girmann, Emily Jorgenson, andGigi Relic.The creative team includes Stephen Skiles (director/producer), sophomore Nick Minion(assistant director), Scot Buzza (music director), Ashley Goos (choreographer), juniorGrant Zentmeyer (assistant choreographer), Joe Leonard (set designer/technicaldirector), junior Tatum Mann (lighting designer), and junior Steven Stapleton (sounddesigner). The stage manager is senior Emi Suarez, and the assistant stage managers arefirst-year student Sam Sadler and sophomore Josie Daley.Performances take place at 7:30 p.m. on January 31 and February 1, 6, 7, and 8, as wellas at 2 p.m. on February 1. Tickets are available now at the Gallagher Student CenterTheatre Box Office. They are $18 each for adults and $13 each for students, as well asXavier faculty and staff. To purchase tickets, visit www.xavier.edu/theatretickets or call513-745-3939.
Veronica Connie Kavensky
JD Dylan Van Camp
Martha Faith Macko
Heather Chandler Gigi Relic
Heather Duke Julia Olinger
Heather McNamara Amara Shroba
Ms. Fleming/ Veronica's Mom Liz Sundstom
Ram's Dad/ Big Bud/ Coach Andrew Leonard
Kurt's Dad/ Veronica's Dad/Gowan Elliot Auch
Ram Matthew Benedek
Kurt Ryan Whitford
Stoner Chick Anna Campise
Republicanette Annalese Cahill
New Wave Girl Lillian Reynolds
Geek Emily Jorgenson
Hipster Dork/ Officer McCord Anthony Contreras
Preppy Stud/ Officer Milner Zac Martin
Ensemble Danielle Jacobs
Caroline Conard
Jenna Treinen
Andy Girmann
Les Miserables
Aronoff Center (1/7 - 1/19) | ||
Life of Pi
Aronoff Center (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
I Need That
Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati (2/8 - 3/2) | ||
Altar Boyz
The Footlighters, Inc. (2/13 - 3/2) | ||
The Sound Inside
Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati (4/5 - 4/27) | ||
& Juliet
Aronoff Center (4/8 - 4/20) | ||
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Footlighters, Inc. (5/1 - 5/18) | ||
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