The play explores the story of Melissa, a struggling writer, who after given an opportunity to have her work produced, finds her voice through the unravelling of her romantic relationship with Jay. The piece is written by and starring Bolam and explores many themes of love, loss, heartbreak and perseverance. “Sometimes relationships are only meant to be for a moment and not a lifetime. But in each one we are given the opportunity to challenge and grow and to flourish. Relationships are crucial foundations for the pieces I write. I think their complexities are the backdrop for a lot of the ways we navigate through life. I have found that in my work I write about themes that are deemed gritty and taboo, society often makes us feel like these experiences are not worth telling but they absolutely are and I hope my words help people feel seen.”
Void Main
cirqueSaw (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Broadway's Best Kept Secrets: The Hidden Gems of New York's Theater Scene
"Broadway's Best Kept Secrets: The Hidden Gems of New York's Theater Scene" (10/30 - 9/10)
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Broadway Magic Hour
Broadway Comedy Club (1/11 - 1/11) | ||
Young Concert Artists Presents Chelsea Guo
Kaufman Music Center (2/6 - 2/6) | ||
Hudson Guild Theater (1/27 - 2/2)
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Ice Queen
The 92nd Street Y, New York (2/8 - 2/23) | ||
The New York Pops | Let’s Misbehave: The Songs of Cole Porter
Carnegie Hall (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
Reflections on Monk and Bach Featuring Ron Carter and String Quartet ETHEL
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