The narrative of Bonnie and Clyde, transformed into the musical by Frank Wildhorn, is a captivating tale that delves deep into the lives of two of America's most infamous outlaws. This musical, rich with a non-traditional score that blends blues, gospel, and rockabilly, not only tells the story of their criminal exploits but also explores the depth of their relationship, their dreams, and the public's fascination with their lives.
At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies in West Texas to America's most renowned folk heroes and Texas law enforcement's worst nightmares. Fearless, shameless and alluring, the Tony-nominated Bonnie & Clyde, from the legendary Frank Wildhorn (Jekyll & Hyde, Civil War, Dracula) is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country.
When Bonnie and Clyde meet, their mutual cravings for excitement and fame immediately set them on a mission to chase their dreams. Their bold and reckless behavior turns the young lovers' thrilling adventure into a downward spiral, putting themselves and their loved ones in trouble with the law. Forced to stay on the run, the lovers resort to robbery and murder to survive. As the infamous duo's fame grows bigger, their inevitable end draws nearer.
Eccles Theater (1/31 - 2/1)
| ||
Pride & Prejudice
CenterPoint Theatre (11/19 - 12/23) | ||
Disney's The Little Mermaid
Tuacahn Amphitheatre (5/2 - 10/25) | ||
Tuacahn Amphitheatre (7/12 - 10/24) | ||
The Sound of Music
CenterPoint Theatre (3/21 - 4/22) | ||
Greece is the Word
The Off Broadway Theatre at Alliance Theatre (1/31 - 2/22) | ||
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
On Pitch Performing Arts (OPPA!) (9/19 - 10/4) | ||
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical
Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre (2/14 - 3/1) | ||
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