Anastasia is a sweeping and enchanting musical that transports audiences from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the vibrant streets of 1920s Paris. Inspired by the beloved animated film, this dazzling production follows the journey of a brave young woman named Anya, who embarks on a quest to uncover the mystery of her past. Featuring a lush score that includes beloved songs like “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December,” as well as stunning new music, Anastasia is a heartwarming and visually spectacular story of love, family, and self-discovery that will captivate audiences of all ages.
Hillbarn Theatre is at 1285 East Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, CA.
Wait Until Dark (10/17/24-11/3/24)
Always... Patsy Cline (8/22/24-9/15/24)
Once (3/21/24-4/7/24)
Little Shop of Horrors (1/23/20-1/23/20)
Newsies (12/5/19-12/5/19)
SPRING AWAKENING (8/2/19-8/4/19)
DISNEY'S 101 DALMATIANS KIDS (7/19/19-7/21/19)
MAMMA MIA! (5/9/19-5/26/19)
Leading Ladies (3/7/19-3/24/19)
SWEENEY TODD (1/17/19-2/3/19)
The Board of Directors works strategically with the staff to ensure Hillbarn Theatre is the best that it can possibly be. This has been accomplished under the capable leadership of the current chair, Lisa WolfKlain, the former chair, Paul Regan, Gary Harris, and several others in the past. Hillbarn is the sixth oldest continuously operating amateur theater company in the nation and is the oldest company in San Mateo County. Since 1995, Hillbarn has won a Theater Critics Circle Award, was accepted at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival, was honored with several mayoral proclamations for excellence in theatrical production and education, three Dean Goodman Awards for Artistic Excellence, and a Foster City Honors Award for the Executive Director in 2003. In an interview, former Artistic Director Scott Williams said: “Hillbarn is an idea. Hillbarn began as a vision of Bob and Sam, essentially, and it has stayed coalesced around their vision. People who came here understood they had the vision, and it was an extraordinary one…They created a good feeling, a great viable organization, and they had a marvelous ability to bring people into the process.” Hillbarn is more than just a place, it’s a community that will remain forever a legacy to their memories and a benefit to the cultural life of not only the citizens of Foster City, but all who share in its community ideals.
Daisy (1/23/25-2/9/25)
Hillbarn Theatre (1/23 - 2/9) | ||
Voctave: The Corner of Broadway & Main Street
San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Caroline H. Hume Concert Hall (1/21 - 1/22) | ||
Kim's Convenience
The Toni Rembe Theater (formerly The Geary Theater) (9/18 - 10/19) | ||
Hershey Felder: Rachmaninoff and the Tsar
Mountain View Center for Performing Arts (1/10 - 2/9) | ||
Miguel Zenón
Lesher Center for the Arts (4/11 - 4/11) | ||
Happy Pleasant Valley
Lesher Center for the Arts (6/1 - 6/29) | ||
Clue On Stage
Paper Wing Theatre (1/31 - 2/23) | ||
In Love and Warcraft
City Lights Theater Company (1/16 - 2/9) | ||
College Notes A Cappella
Lesher Center for the Arts (2/21 - 2/22) | ||
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