Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Human Heart, directed by Craig Hall, features Damien Atkins as the iconic detective facing his most perplexing case yet. When a series of murders in London reveal a sinister pattern, Holmes, joined by Dr. Watson (Ric Reid) and Mrs. Hudson (Claire Jullien), must untangle a web of intrigue that threatens to outsmart him. The production showcases a talented ensemble cast, including Deborah Castrilli and Rais Clarke-Mendes, as they navigate a gripping tale of danger and deception. This world premiere runs at the Shaw Festival from July 24 to October 13, 2024.
Snow in Midsummer (8/8/24-10/5/24)
Everybody (7/8/22-10/9/22)
KREUTZER SONATA (8/26/21-10/9/21)
SHAWGROUND (8/19/21-10/6/21)
WHAT’S IN YOUR SONGBOOK? (7/28/21-8/22/21)
FAIRGROUND (7/23/21-10/8/21)
SPEAKEASIES (7/22/21-9/18/21)
ASSASSINS IN CONCERT (7/18/21-9/29/21)
COFFEE CONCERTS (7/17/21-9/30/21)
CHITRA (7/17/21-9/30/21)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (4/9/25-10/4/25)
Tons of Money (4/11/25-10/5/25)
Anything Goes (5/2/25-10/4/25)
Dear Liar (5/18/25-9/27/25)
Major Barbara (6/1/25-10/5/25)
Gnit (6/19/25-10/4/25)
Wait Until Dark (6/25/25-10/5/25)
Murder-on-the-Lake (7/26/25-10/4/25)
Blues for an Alabama Sky (8/2/25-10/4/25)
A Christmas Carol (11/1/25-12/21/25)
Irving Berlin's White Christmas (11/7/25-12/21/25)
After the Rain
Tarragon Theatre (5/27 - 6/22) | ||
Last Landscape
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (1/12 - 1/26) | ||
Brilliant Baroque
Jeanne Lamon Hall (1/31 - 2/2) | ||
Ed Mirvish Theatre (6/6 - 7/20) | ||
Amahl and the Night Visitors
No Strings Theatre (1/12 - 1/12) | ||
CBC - Glenn Gould Studio (6/28 - 6/28) | ||
Magic Mel
Wychwood Theatre (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
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