Spanning time from the 1890s until now, GAZE is a play which follows two women on their journeys to discovering their identities. Alice Guy Blach, the first real-life female filmmaker, is desperate for artistic license as her film career is burgeoning in the late 19th century, but faces countless barriers and betrayal. Rose, a modern day film student, is grappling with her mental health in her battle to find a sense of purpose in her life.Although worlds and centuries apart, together these women rebel against the difficulties that women have always come against; through their love of film they fight to access the power, the autonomy and the creative freedom that we all deserve.
Ages: 14+ due to strong language
Walk Right Back
Pier (6/6 - 6/6) | ||
Kim's Convenience
Pavilion Theatre (5/8 - 5/10) | ||
Walk Right Back
Towngate Theatre (5/8 - 5/8) | ||
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